Nine to Five was a movie that was based on secretaries that want to kill their boss. One of ways that producers conducted market research was by asking secretaries how they would kill their boss if they had the chance. Also one of the producers of the movie went to an office to get hand on experience on how an office runs. Another thing that they did was ask office workers what they would want to change in their work environment. One of the ethical issues that we talked about was that women where not being treated in the same manner as men. For an example someone got a job offer that had less seniority and the person that trained that person was not even offered or considered for the job. The reason that the person was not considered for the job was, because she was a woman. It was interesting to see the changes that the employees would make. Little things such as paint color and having personal items on their desk. The little changes made the office so comfortable that production went up 20% in only six weeks. It’s to show that if you give people what they want that they will work hard. Even though women are not on a complete level field with men in the work force still there have been many changes that has drawn this gap closer together. The movie also played on ethics when sending one if its workers to AA. This would be unheard of in any time. Being evolved so much in your employee’s personal lives it very unethical. Having someone in the bathroom and taking notes on what people are discussing is another unethical topic that was covered in the movie. It is interesting to see the changes that have happened over the 25 years.