The main that the network used market research to shape the network was the ratings. This was the main way the decided on what they were going to do to change the ratings. When the main character went crazy on the show the network was worried about what it would do. The day after they found out that the audience reacted in a positive way to what happened the night before. Since the consumers reacted in a great way they did not fire the character like they planned on doing in the first place. They found out that by mistake that consumers wanted something different then what they were offering. Once they saw that the consumers liked a show that had a high opinion they created a new show. They used the free flowing host to have a new show that also featured fortune teller type women. The show also asked the people to things in which they did follow through with. The show was not on top of ratings for long though. Once they dropped in ratings their solution was to kill of the head of the show. This would be cheaper than paying the rest of his contract and bring more attention on to the network. The main thing that drove any decisions in the company were the ratings and standing in the networks. The only thing she was worried about where the numbers and how they got there.